OTF Code of Conduct
OTF aims to create environments that are inclusive to the largest number of participants, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. As such, we are committed to providing inclusive and harassment-free spaces, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age or religion. Consequently, we cannot tolerate harassment of any kind in our spaces, both online and in-person.
Guidelines of What Constitutes Inappropriate Behavior
An inclusive positive environment is free of inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to:
- Verbal comments that reinforce oppression related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age or religion (or lack thereof);
- Sexual images or inappropriate nudity in public spaces (including presentation materials);
- Verbal threats or demands;
- Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following;
- Harassing photography or recording;
- Sustained disruption of discussions, whether in person or virtual;
- Inappropriate physical contact;
- Unwelcome sexual attention;
- Tampering with or forcing consumption of food, drink or other substances;
- Imitating or making fun of accents or grammatical errors, or giving unsolicited grammar corrections (but clarifying questions are fine);
- Enlisting the help of others, whether in person or online, in order to target a member of the community; and,
- Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior;
The OTF team are committed to providing a welcoming and respectful environment, thus individuals engaging in OTF virtual or physical spaces are expected to refrain from engaging in any type of unacceptable behavior.
Individuals asked to cease any inappropriate behavior must comply immediately. The OTF team reserves the right to take action to redress inappropriate behavior and/or words designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting or making the environment hostile. This action may comprise of any other action deemed appropriate including discussion, admonition to refrain from inappropriate behavior immediately, and expulsion without warning.
In addition, If you discuss difficult topics that may be traumatic for some, please provide warnings so people may choose to not enter into a conversation or plan coping strategies.
Addressing Issues and Concerns
If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome in any OTF space, please contact our Code of Conduct Committee immediately. We are here for you.
You can contact the Code of Conduct committee members in-person or by email. Please note that it is okay if it takes some time to realize what has happened and to decide to report it, even if it has been a bit since it has occurred. Harassment and other code of conduct violations damage the experience for everyone. We want you to be happy and productive in our spaces. People like you make OTF a better place.
Your concerns will be respectfully heard by the Code of Conduct Committee. If your concern involves a member of the committee, they will recuse themselves. The members of the committee are:
- Sandra Ordonez, Director of Community & Outreach
- Lindsay Beck, Director of Digital Safety
- Nat Kretchun, Deputy Director
- Tara Tarakiyee, Program Manager
Contact information
- Sandra Ordonez sandra@opentech.fund
- Lindsay Beck lindsay@opentech.fund
- Nat Kretchun nat@opentech.fund
- Tara Tarakiyee tara@opentech.fund
License and attribution
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This code of conduct is derived from:
Internet Freedom Festival Code of Conduct https://www.internetfreedomfestival.org/wiki/index.php/Code_of_Conduct
The Geek Feminism example conference anti-harassment policy: http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_anti-harassment/Policy